Zombie In Space Game
"Zombie In Space" is a fast-paced survival action shooter that takes you to the Hyperion space station, where there has been a sudden outbreak of the zombie virus! Explore the winding corridors of a huge research complex in search of a mysterious artifact codenamed 42 to be rewarded with a million credits. Will you be able to discover the cause of a terrible epidemic and figure out how this infection spread so rapidly?
- Player 1:
- - move
- - shoot
- - switch weapons
- - reload
- - interact
- - super weapon
- Player 2:
- - move
- - shoot
- - switch weapons
- - reload
- - interact
- - super weapon
Game Details:
- Here is the online game Zombie In Space Game, you can play it for free right now.
- It has 277 player votes with an average rating of 1164.
- The game's release date is January 2023.
- The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC).