Pooches Games

The most incredible "Pooches Games" section is under your mouse cursor. Here you can find the game that is designed especially for you. The animated series "Pooches" characters make you love them increasingly with each new episode. You are probably already familiar with the members of the whole Pooches family! The most frequent favorite of all viewers is a little puppy named Kid. He is cheerful and intelligent! His cute face makes even the sternest person smile! The kid admires everything he sees around him for the first time and always exclaims, "Wow!". Here you can play enough with this cutie! Two sons, Buddy and Gena, and two sisters, fashionista Rose and sneaky Lisa, are in the Pooches family. Buddy wants to become a famous soccer player, and Gena, a chemistry professor! Rose cares about style, fashion, and boys, while Lisa cares about how to put everyone in their place. These games will be even brighter and more incredible than cartoons because now you're a spectator and a player!

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The Barkers Cooking Game

The Barkers Cooking Game

The Barkers Dentist Game

The Barkers Dentist Game

Pooches: Rose Makeup Game

Pooches: Rose Makeup Game

Pooches: Attention Training Game

Pooches: Attention Training Game

Baby Pooches and the Bunny Puzzle Game

Baby Pooches and the Bunny Puzzle Game

Baby and Druzhok The Barkers Puzzle Game

Baby and Druzhok The Barkers Puzzle Game

Pooches Vs. Lisa Puzzle Game

Pooches Vs. Lisa Puzzle Game

Riddle of the Pooches Puzzle Game

Riddle of the Pooches Puzzle Game

Pooches: Blue Eyed Rose Puzzle Game

Pooches: Blue Eyed Rose Puzzle Game

Lisa Barboskina Soloist Puzzle Game

Lisa Barboskina Soloist Puzzle Game

Pooches Grandpa Sailor Puzzle Game

Pooches Grandpa Sailor Puzzle Game

Buddy and Gena: Connection with Space Game

Buddy and Gena: Connection with Space Game

The Barkers: Teach Toddler Puzzle Game

The Barkers: Teach Toddler Puzzle Game

Gena and Friend Pooches Puzzle Game

Gena and Friend Pooches Puzzle Game

Lisa and Gena The Barkers Puzzle Game

Lisa and Gena The Barkers Puzzle Game

Pooches Family Puzzle Game

Pooches Family Puzzle Game

First Place The Barkers Puzzle Game

First Place The Barkers Puzzle Game

Pooches the Younger Puzzle Game

Pooches the Younger Puzzle Game

Development of Lisa Pooches Talent Game

Development of Lisa Pooches Talent Game

Green-eyed Lisa Barboskina Puzzle Game

Green-eyed Lisa Barboskina Puzzle Game

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