Truck Loader Games

We are glad to present you with the "Truck Loader Games" section. Here you will be able to learn how to drive this unusual vehicle. You will operate in the warehouses of a large factory and load crates into the truck. Everything seems so easy, but it is far from it. After all, you will have to use agility and intelligence. Because sometimes the boxes will be in places you can't get to. But that's not all. If most crates are with regular cargo, some will be explosive. Use this to your advantage: destroy walls, smash metal blocks, and achieve your goal. Your Truck Loader equips with a powerful magnet. That's handy. You can magnetize crates and hurl them back to the truck, even from a distance. Play and pass all levels of the game about Truck Loader to become a real professional in this business. Each new game part will be more complex and exciting than the previous one. Good luck!

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Truck Loader 2 Game

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Truck Loader 4 Game

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