Kung Fu Panda Games

The most unremarkable circumstances can sometimes decide destiny and radically change a whole life. It was chance that helped one voracious panda to become a true dragon warrior. At first, no one believed that this clumsy bear could learn at least one easy trick, and mastering a particular combat style was out of the question. It was especially disbelieved by the members of the Furious Five: Tigress, Mantis, Crane, Monkey, and Viper. Poe's destiny infuriated Tigress to a greater extent, as she was sure she would get the title. But gradually, Panda Po proved to the Furious Five that they could accept him as a true warrior. In the "Kung Fu Panda Games" section, you can get to know Po Panda and his friends. Here you will find games that will suit your taste. There are many interesting, colorful, and exciting games. You can practice the art of jumping together with Tigress Master and Monkey Master in "Tigress Jump" and "Monkey Escape" games. Then the Dumpling Warrior will take you to his Deadly Paws, and you can go with him to training. You'll also be treated to a "Fury Fight" game where all the main characters will be fighting. Play and have fun with Kung Fu Panda games!

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Kung Fu Panda 3D: Dragon Warrior Game

Kung Fu Panda 3D: Dragon Warrior Game

Kung Fu Panda: Training Challenge Game

Kung Fu Panda: Training Challenge Game

Po and Jumping Adventure Game

Po and Jumping Adventure Game

Kung Fu Panda Creator Game

Kung Fu Panda Creator Game

Kung Fu Panda: Furious Fight Game

Kung Fu Panda: Furious Fight Game

Kung Fu Panda Village Defender Game

Kung Fu Panda Village Defender Game

Kung Fu Panda Kiss Game

Kung Fu Panda Kiss Game

Kung Fu Panda: Fireworks Cart Racing Game

Kung Fu Panda: Fireworks Cart Racing Game

Kung Fu Panda Puzzles Game

Kung Fu Panda Puzzles Game

Kung Fu Panda: Hoops Madness Game

Kung Fu Panda: Hoops Madness Game

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