Adventure Time Games
"Adventure Time" is a new entertaining games section featuring a boy Finn and his friend, mutant dog Jake. They were created based on the American animated series by Pendleton Ward and produced by Cartoon Network Studios. All the adventures occur in the post-apocalyptic world called Earth Woo. Our world survived 996 years ago, the atomic war (the inhabitants of this world call it "The Great War of the mushrooms"). After this catastrophe, all Earthlings who survived began to mutate, and magic came into their lives. Two friends, Finn and Jake, live in a treehouse and love adventures. They either try to find them or get missions from the locals of Woohoo Land. Finn and Jake are always rescuing everyone who finds themselves in trouble. You will meet many good and evil characters in this beautiful section. Each game will captivate you with its high-quality graphics. Have fun with our friends!