PlayStation Game: Digimon World 2
"Digimon World 2" is an adventure game that tells the story of a hero named Arica. He lives in the Digital City. Digimon used to live here peacefully. But suddenly, these wild animals began to attack the peaceful population. Therefore, our hero joined a squad of guards who ensured the neighborhood was friendly. Ready to help the young lad join the laurels of the defenders? Then, go for it!
- / - continue / START THE GAME
- - control
- - accelerate
- - menu
- - exit the menu
- - interact
Game Details:
- Here is the online game PlayStation Game: Digimon World 2, you can play it for free right now.
- It has 15 player votes with an average rating of 65.
- The game's release date is October 2022.
- The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC), Android / iOS (Mobile).