Escape from the Siren Head Game

Your character will be a little boy in the "Escape from the Siren Head" game. Under unexplained circumstances, he finds himself in a dark forest in the middle of the night. The boy mistook everything happening to him for a realistic dream. He had not realized what kind of danger lurked at night and kept walking. The poor man reached the small fence and opened the gate. On the other side of the rusty old doors was the cemetery. And then a chill ran down his spine at the eerie thought. He wasn't in a dream! The boy cautiously walked further and came upon a strange tombstone with a mysterious inscription: "Dedicated to the victims of the Siren Head." Puzzled, he heard the heartbreaking sound of a siren. This is where our terrifying adventures begin!

21724 1 2 3 4 5 (5622 Votes)
Escape from the Siren Head Game

Escape from the Siren Head Game

  • - continue
  • - move
  • - jump
  • - interact
Game Details:
  • Here is the online game Escape from the Siren Head Game, you can play it for free right now.
  • It has 5622 player votes with an average rating of 21724.
  • The game's release date is September 2020.
  • The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC), Android / iOS (Mobile).