Wonder Boy In Monster World Game
"Wonder Boy In Monster World" is an arcade adventure where the story tells about the main character named Shion. Creepy monsters have attacked the village where our little warrior lives. Evil monsters attacked many kingdoms. And if they are not stopped, they will soon take over all the land. One of those willing to fight the monsters was our hero, Shion. This seemingly small guy is good at swordsmanship and can move quickly, making life much harder for the enemy.
- / - continue / START THE GAME
- - control
- - attack
- - jump
Game Details:
- Here is the online game Wonder Boy In Monster World Game, you can play it for free right now.
- It has 9 player votes with an average rating of 36.
- The game's release date is July 2022.
- The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC), Android / iOS (Mobile).