Cyber Smilodon Assembly Game

Smilodon is one of the most ancient representatives of the carnivorous feline family of predators, distinguished by enormous sharp fangs capable of tearing any prey to shreds! This saber-toothed monster kept in terror even some dinosaurs and many other large animals. In the "Cyber Smilodon Assembly" game, you can create your cybernetic Smilodon! The game divides into three stages. Go to the robot factory, where you can try to build an all-metal fighting tiger from various parts. On the left side, the conveyor belt will randomly supply you with all the necessary details and components to build the solid frame.

45279 1 2 3 4 5 (10479 Votes)
Cyber Smilodon Assembly Game

Cyber Smilodon Assembly Game

Game Details:
  • Here is the online game Cyber Smilodon Assembly Game, you can play it for free right now.
  • It has 10479 player votes with an average rating of 45279.
  • The game's release date is April 2017.
  • The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC), Android / iOS (Mobile).