Super Matino Adventure Game
"Super Matino Adventure" is a colorful platformer that will delight all fans of Mario the Plumber. In this game, the main character will be a new hero named Matino. This nimble kid will go to the enchanted Mushroom Kingdom to deal with evil monsters. Do you want to join him and be part of this heroic adventure? Then, let's do it! Here, you are waiting for 100 fantastic levels where players can demonstrate their agility and overcome all the obstacles. And there will be plenty of them! Just worth it is mushrooms Gumba and evil snails!
- - movement
- - jump
Game Details:
- Here is the online game Super Matino Adventure Game, you can play it for free right now.
- It has 111 player votes with an average rating of 393.
- The game's release date is October 2023.
- The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC).