Scary Baby in Yellow Game

"Scary Baby in Yellow" is an atmospheric horror game where you will play a girl who agrees to babysit the child of one of her neighbors. Nothing foreboded trouble until the evening came. The cozy cabin turned into a hellish lair covered in fog. Everything around them looked like a nightmare. Instead of pretty landscapes and still life on the walls, demonic faces appeared, and in the living room, there were bats and cats. But the creepiest thing is not even all this, but that the nightmarish atmosphere is pierced by the crying of a baby in another part of the house. We must hurry to him!

Category: Horror Games
971 1 2 3 4 5 (229 Votes)
Scary Baby in Yellow Game

Scary Baby in Yellow Game

  • - overview
  • / - movement
  • - interaction
  • - jump
  • - running
  • - pause
Game Details:
  • Here is the online game Scary Baby in Yellow Game, you can play it for free right now.
  • It has 229 player votes with an average rating of 971.
  • The game's release date is February 2024.
  • The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC).