Fire And Water Island Survival 6 Game

Each elemental spirit has its own temple. The spirits live there and maintain the divine fire that feeds the temple and gives them power. When the flames subside, then the little priests begin to lose their power. If it runs out, then the spirits disappear, and the temple loses its caretakers and becomes a ruin. One day, the young spirits of Fire and Water noticed that the flames began to grow dim. They were horrified and immediately went in search of magic crystals that would help bring back the divine fire.

1160 1 2 3 4 5 (306 Votes)
Fire And Water Island Survival 6 Game

Fire And Water Island Survival 6 Game

Controls for the first player:
  • - move / change of character
  • - move
  • - jump

Controls for the second player:
  • - move
  • - jump
Game Details:
  • Here is the online game Fire And Water Island Survival 6 Game, you can play it for free right now.
  • It has 306 player votes with an average rating of 1160.
  • The game's release date is July 2022.
  • The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC), Android / iOS (Mobile).