Adventure: A Knots Story Game
In the "A Knots Story" game, you will meet an adorable kitten named Milo. This little dreamer often has beautiful dreams where he is flying in the sky and soaring among fluffy clouds without wings. But sometimes, even the brightest dreams can turn into a nightmare. Once the baby has it, he decides that he needs to make his dream come true and look at the world around him from a bird's eye view. It is where our adventure begins. As soon as Milo wakes up, you need to find all members of his feline family and fulfill their requests. The first thing you need to do is help one ginger brother catch a giant fat spider and devour it. Then, wake up the second kitten and go further.
- - walk
- - crouch
- - move up
- hop on / off
- - meow / pick up / put down an object
- - full screen
- - come out
Game Details:
- Here is the online game Adventure: A Knots Story Game, you can play it for free right now.
- It has 6256 player votes with an average rating of 26189.
- The game's release date is January 2018.
- The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC), Android / iOS (Mobile).