Scary Jungle Road Drive Game

In Scary Jungle Road Drive, you'll find yourself in one of the most terrifying corners of the Earth. A crazy kid named Jamie has decided to disprove the rumors that have been circulating in the most remote section of the jungle. The old-timers said fearsome demons haunted the place. They wait for lonely travelers who get lost to catch them. Many disappeared there and never came back. Jamie didn't believe it and thought it was all a fairy tale for children. The brave madman went there and fell into a death trap. It was time to save him!

Category: Driving Games
4.1460423634337 1 1 1 1 1 (897 Votes)
Scary Jungle Road Drive

Scary Jungle Road Drive

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  • / - accelerate
  • / - reverse
  • / - veer
  • - handbrake
  • / - turn off the headlights

How to play?

There are ten levels ahead of you, where the player will have to demonstrate his virtuoso driving skills. You will be driving a car on a winding road among the jungle thickets. On the road, keep your eyes peeled for darkness. As soon as you see a signal on the screen, immediately turn off your headlights. There's a ghost out there, hunting for prey! To avoid getting caught in the clutches of the ghost, wait until he's gone, and only then turn on the lights to continue on your way. But if the bloodthirsty spirit spots you, then you're finished! Now, your life depends on your driving skills! Good luck!

Game Details:
  • Here is the online game Scary Jungle Road Drive, you can play it for free right now.
  • It has 897 player votes with an average rating of 4.15.
  • The game's release date is February 2020.
  • The game can be played on the following platforms: Web Browser (PC).